Saturday, February 13, 2010

Congrats Melay - PBB's Newest Champ!

I was rooting for Paul Jake on this season's PBB. He deserved the top spot among all housemates. But in all fairness to Melay, she may not deserve it because she's not as strong as a contender like Paul Jake, but she was the only reason why I watched it and kept on watching PBB Double Up until its very end.

All the rewards given to Melay may not even be enough as compared to the laughter she has brought to every home that watched her funny antics on TV. She is really good. She will make it far, as long as she will be guided from this point forward. To start with, she should not be that much identified with Jason. More than anything else, Jason made the mark of being very lazy throughout his PBB stint. As for Paul Jake, he must not be too serious with showbiz. He'll be better off as a politician or anything away from the mad world of this business.

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