Sunday, July 27, 2008

Remembering the Last Lecture of Randy Pausch

Death is something that everybody cannot really be prepared for even if you are as wise and as brilliant as Randy Pausch. The first time that I was introduced to his lecture was when “Good Morning America” featured him and made available on ABC’s site Dr. Pausch’s “Last Lecture.”

It was a life changing lecture. I enjoyed his every word, his every brilliance. It made me think of my own dreams and how I’ve already forgotten some of them. He made me unbury those dreams and realize them even in my own little way. As he had said, “The brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.” It was a strong push for many of us who easily gives up when the going gets tough.

Life is too short. But Dr. Pausch’s short life was lived to the fullest. It made me think like where I was and what was I doing while this dying man was accomplishing all his dreams. In front of the television maybe, catching up on the episodes of Friends and Sex and the City or wondering if I’ll accept the new promo I’ve read on some postcard mailing marketing campaign.

In times when nothing seems to be going right for me, I remember his words, “Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.” This inspiration actually made me experience my journey through life. I look ahead to where I am going to, but I am in no hurry. Sometimes, a new route will present itself or some hurdles will come up. I live it up so that when I reach my destination, I’ll have so many things to say to the people waiting for me on the other end aside from complaints.

For those of you who are still naïve about his genius, Randy Pausch was an alumnus and a popular professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon. The famous “Last Lecture” was delivered on September 18, 2007. It was a tradition for popular professors at this university to give out lectures about their final message like that would be their last chance to give it.

Dr. Pausch was diagnosed with cancer in August 2006 and was told by his doctors that he only had few months to live. He had undergone every advanced medical procedure but after a year, his cancer became terminal. He was at that state when he gave that lecture. It was well accepted. He shared an excerpt when he was invited at the Oprah show. And his video became a hit at YouTube. Here is where you can watch it - Randy Pausch's Last Lecture.

He has succumbed to his final rest on July 25. He was 47. In the lecture, he said that those words were for his kids to watch and listen to when he is gone. But now that he is really gone, many kids and adults alike will learn a lot about the life he has lead and the legacy that he was able to leave behind.

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