Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Megan Joy Ended Her American Idol Journey

Good news, the three top performers last night, Kris, Adam and Danny were all safe. Bad news, and so were Scott, Matt and Lil. Ms. Caw-Caw was the one who eventually said goodbye after the following series of events.
  • They were grouped into 3
    Group 1: Kris, Matt and Megan
    Group 2: Adam, Lil and Allison
    Group 3: Scott, Danny and Anoop
  • For Group 1, Kris and Matt were safe. Megan Joy was part of the bottom 3.
  • For Group 2, Lil was safe. Allison went into the bottom 3. Adam was safe.
  • For Group 3, Danny and Scott were safe. Anoop was in the bottom 3.
  • Goodbye, Megan Joy.

1 comment:

Funny stuff said...

Very good blog.I like it very much

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